Sunday, June 10, 2007


The belly is taking over, the babies are kickin' and mom is exhausted!

We are so proud of how big the girls are getting! We had another ultrasound on June 6th and here are the results:

Baby A - 3lbs 15oz
Baby B - 3lbs 12oz

Woot! This means our little girls are basically 4lbs each! The doctor said these are the weights of singletons at this stage! We are very happy with their weights and progress. They have put on a pound and a half since our last measurement on May 9th. This means that in another month they will be about 5 1/2 - 6 pounds! That is perfect weight for twins and perfect timing, as 36 weeks is full term for twins :)

As some of you already know, we changed doctors recently. We are now with Dr. Skory in Schenectady. We're much more confident in his skills and know that we now have a higher chance of delivering naturally! This means we will be delivering at Bellevue (before 36 weeks) or St. Clares (36+). We prefer St. Clares, so July 10th is our goal. Must make it, at least, to July 10th!

As for everything else, we are getting closer to having the apartment ready. I continue to stay well-rested, although not on full bedrest anymore. I like to get up and help out around the house more :) Keeps the morale up!

I am now officially the size of a full-term singleton pregnancy (same size as if I had one baby and was 40 weeks along). I am definitely feeling it! It's hard to do many things due to a big heavy giant pumpkin getting in the way! We went shopping last week to get the rest of the baby essentials and I am pretty sure that was my last shopping trip, it's just too much anymore. I continue to be amazed at how wonderful pregnancy can be and I'm certainly not tired of it yet!

Here's a special treat, the next progression set (last 3 months):

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your belly looks so beautiful! Congrats! Angel

The Happy Procreators

The Happy Procreators
This is Steve & Laura (a.k.a Mom & Dad to be). We're thrilled to be expecting and are so glad you're here to share this great experience with us!