Saturday, April 21, 2007

24 weeks/6 months - Bye-bye Belly Button!

It's been awhile since I've had time to update everyone on the babies! I've been SO absolutely swamped with planning the wedding (which is only 2 weeks away!), White Hawk stuff, planning the house, packing up, baby prepping, and working full-time! I'm quite the busy bee!!

So, now for the good part :)
Both babies are ........................GIRLS!!!

Beautiful and healthy girls! The doctor is very pleased with their size and closeness in size. They are now:
Baby A - 1lb 9oz
Baby B - 1lb 12oz
With twins it's important that they stay close in size or complications can occur.

Arvelle is definitely one of them and we've decided that Steve will name the other one :)

At the last ultrasound, Thursday, we actually got a video tape of our babies! It came out perfect and we can't wait to share it! Jim is going to attempt to put it into a digital format for us. As soon as we get it, I'll post it up here for all to see! Take care till then!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

how exciting friend!! :-) how are you feeling??


The Happy Procreators

The Happy Procreators
This is Steve & Laura (a.k.a Mom & Dad to be). We're thrilled to be expecting and are so glad you're here to share this great experience with us!