Thursday, March 15, 2007


Ok...we finally found a scanner so we could get the pics up!
You can click on it for a bigger image.
Here we go.... read right....BABY A AND BABY B!!!!
We nearly died right in the ultrasound room! TWO BABIES!!!! OMG!!!
TWINS!! They are fraternal (not identical).
Here are some other shots of them:

They even had the ultra-cool 4D technology up and got this shot of Baby B's face/arm:
This means so much...and we even found out the gender, but might wait to share (in order to have a lotto or some such thing). We'll decide tomorrow, as right now it is very late and I am exhausted....the babies need their mommy to sleep up!! lol

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The Happy Procreators

The Happy Procreators
This is Steve & Laura (a.k.a Mom & Dad to be). We're thrilled to be expecting and are so glad you're here to share this great experience with us!