Thursday, March 15, 2007


Ok...we finally found a scanner so we could get the pics up!
You can click on it for a bigger image.
Here we go.... read right....BABY A AND BABY B!!!!
We nearly died right in the ultrasound room! TWO BABIES!!!! OMG!!!
TWINS!! They are fraternal (not identical).
Here are some other shots of them:

They even had the ultra-cool 4D technology up and got this shot of Baby B's face/arm:
This means so much...and we even found out the gender, but might wait to share (in order to have a lotto or some such thing). We'll decide tomorrow, as right now it is very late and I am exhausted....the babies need their mommy to sleep up!! lol

Monday, March 12, 2007


Yup! That's right! Our little baby is about half-way "done" at almost 19 weeks! You might even say that s/he's a half-baked bun :)

Things are coming along great! The baby is up to several movements a day, ranging from drop-kicks to love-taps. We keep trying to time it so that Steve can feel it, but so far the timing is off. We'll get it any day now!

We are so excited about Thursday! We finally get to see our little creature! We'll be sure to get the ultrasound picture (if s/he isn't camera shy) up as soon as we get home! We're hoping for a decent profile shot!

People keep asking about names. So far we have first names only and they are:
girl - Arvelle
boy - Damien
Arvelle is the elvish word for the awe of nature. Like when you hike to the top of a mountain and look out and your breath is taken away by the view. That's arvel - we changed the spelling.
Damien is a name we both like. The baby will be a Leo and the name is a strong one, it is greek and means "to tame".

Friday, March 2, 2007

First Post
Welcome to Baby Flutter-Bump's site! I titled it so because I felt him/her move for the first time last Friday and it felt just like that...a flutter followed by a bump. Hence, flutter-bump.
Well, I figured the best thing to start with is a collection of my progression pictures so far! Here is my progression up to this point - 4 months :)

We just went for our latest midwife appointment yesterday and attempted to record the heartbeat to share with everyone, but we fudged up the mp3 player and it didn't save the file :(
But! Good news! We're going for our first ultrasound in 2 weeks! So, we'll have a lot more than just sound to share! :) Can't wait to see our baby!

The last two mornings when I first sat up, I guess I did it too quickly, the baby retaliated! Yesterday I think I got what was a head-butt to the uterus and today I'm pretty sure it was a kick. I'll have to remember to give the baby a more gentle awakening tomorrow morning! lol

The Happy Procreators

The Happy Procreators
This is Steve & Laura (a.k.a Mom & Dad to be). We're thrilled to be expecting and are so glad you're here to share this great experience with us!