Monday, February 4, 2008

Six Months!

Our sweet girls are now six months old, isn't it hard to believe?!
They're entering such a fun stage! They are exploring everything, they are beginning to communicate (even if it's still with oooohhhhs and aaahhhs!), and they surely keep dips on mommy at all times now!
Arvelle is sitting up completely on her own now! Sylvanna is close behind, a couple weeks and she'll be right up there with her. Sylvanna can sit with a boppy in case she falls and it's wonderful to see them sitting and playing together!

Arvelle is eating solids! She enjoys butternut squash, carrots, avacado, banana, apples, and sweet potatoes so far :) Sylvanna shows interest in the food, but makes the funniest icky face you ever saw when she tries it! lol

They had their 6-month check up at the doctor's today! It went great!
They are around 18pds, with Sylvanna still in the lead! They are still the same height.
We were so nervous today because they started their shots today, they got the DTaP today. I was nearly in tears afterwards - BECAUSE THEY DIDN'T EVEN FROWN! NOT A PEEP, NOT A TEAR, NOTHING!!! I can't believe how well it went! We're so proud of them!

So, that is all for now - Arvelle is resting happily and Sylvanna is playing with Daddy waiting for dinner, I go!!! Here's some more random pics to enjoy, more laters!

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The Happy Procreators

The Happy Procreators
This is Steve & Laura (a.k.a Mom & Dad to be). We're thrilled to be expecting and are so glad you're here to share this great experience with us!