Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Thankful for Twins on Thanksgiving!

The girls had a wonderful holiday with their family! They got to see Grandma & Grandpa and Great Grandma & Great Grandpa (both sets!) plus their Uncle Jason and lots of other cousins, friends, etc.

Here is a picture of the girls with their Great Grandparents (Chambers) and their second? cousins!

Arvelle is on the right with Great Grandma and Sylvanna is on the left with Great Grandpa!

Here are the girls with Uncle Jason!

All-in-all the girls had a wonderful time and the drive wasn't so bad :)

Arvelle & Sylvanna will be 4 months old tomorrow! It's so hard to believe! They are doing really well - Arvelle is almost sitting up on her own and Sylvanna is babbling up a storm! They recently discovered each other and spend long moments every day just staring, smiling, laughing, and touching each other! It's amazing to see how much they love each other already!

They are growing so fast! They are starting to teeth already! They already can fit in 6 months clothes, which thankfully we have plenty of. As they are growing though, they are needing some other things - such as the next size up carseat and child-proofing materials for the home. If you would like some ideas for Christmas gifts, please use Arvelle and Sylvanna's gift registry at Babies R Us! You can click here to visit it!

Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season! We'll be back after Christmas with some pictures!

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The Happy Procreators

The Happy Procreators
This is Steve & Laura (a.k.a Mom & Dad to be). We're thrilled to be expecting and are so glad you're here to share this great experience with us!