Thursday, July 19, 2007


That is the chant as of late! Cheer the babies on, everyone!!!

Well, it is officially 37 1/2 weeks and still no babies! We were so worried about keeping them in and now they won't come out! At our appt on Weds, Dr. Skory started talking about induction by next week (38 weeks). Although this is "normal procedure" with twins because 36-38 weeks is considered the "perfect" time to have twins - we are still nervous and really don't want to go that route. It's not very conducive to the whole natural-birth plan and is associated with higher rates of drugged births and surgical (C-section) births :(

So, come on everyone! LABOR! LABOR! LABOR!

Here is the amazing circus side-attraction belly that my dr's nurse says "defies gravity"...

You can see the wonderful bulging veins and stretch marks in all their glory! :)

Yeah, so we're all ready! Steve has lectured the girls several times so far on the benefits of coming out into the world and has promised them that he will dutifully clean poopy, spit, vomit, pee, etc. with no complaints :P

We just can't wait to meet them! See what they look like...look into their eyes...hold them in our arms...see who will claim which name. I shake just thinking about much they will be loved and cherished :)

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Project: Belly Cast

Well, Steve and I just got done with casting my belly! It was really fun and really messy!
Here's some pictures of the process. When it dries I'll eventually have an airbrush artist paint a
design on it. I'm thinking maybe the earth (like Gaia's belly) at this point, not positive yet :)

(click on pics for larger views)

It was a really great experience and I recommend it to anyone! It felt really weird when it started to harden and the babies were moving around in there! lol

Pregnancy-wise we are hanging in there. Things are getting a bit more difficult and uncomfortable (note my feet in above right pic), but nothing too intolerable yet!

We are just a few days from the 36 week goal! I will post some belly pics up then and an update from our ultrasound scheduled for that day, Tuesday :)

The Happy Procreators

The Happy Procreators
This is Steve & Laura (a.k.a Mom & Dad to be). We're thrilled to be expecting and are so glad you're here to share this great experience with us!