Friday, May 25, 2007

Well-Needed Update!

Sorry everyone for the delay on the update! We've been so busy with the wedding and getting the apartment ready for the babies!

First off, we want to share the good news! The babies are healthy and growing! Two weeks ago they were 2lbs 4oz and 2lbs 8oz. We are thinking they should be around 3lbs by now :) So proud!
Steve has picked a name!!
it means "forest"
(and don't say, "Like the light bulb?" lol That's Sylvania and rhymes with Transylvania)

So, we have Arvelle and Sylvanna :) Middle names will remain a secret :P We are not naming each baby yet, we will wait until they come out to see who looks like who.

As some of you might have heard, we had a little "scare" about 2 weeks ago. I woke up feeling some pains and weird sensations, so I called the doctor and they asked me to come in that day. We did so at 11am and they checked me out. They said everything looked fine, took some tests, but wanted me to go to the hospital to have my contractions monitored to see if they were actual labor contractions.

So, we got to the hospital around 12:30pm and they admitted me. Hooked me up to the monitor, IV, the whole caboodle. The monitor revealed that I was having strong contractions 3-4 minutes apart. So, the doctor came in and checked my cervix (no dilation at all) and administered Terbutaline to calm the contractions. They did calm down after about an hour or so, but they were still there so they did another shot. Then another a few hours later just to be sure. Three in all, the max they can give before trying other methods. They were waiting for the results of my fFN test that had been done at the drs office, but it had not gotten prioritized and still wasn't done. The results finally came in around 8:30pm and we were discharged at 9pm. Got home exhausted around 10pm. What a day! ugh...

Yeah, so that was our little scare. Nothing major. It wasn't truly pre-term labor because there were no cervical changes. The contractions were happening as a result of a few things together: baby A's head is directly laying on the cervix b/c she has no where else to go, the uterus is "confused" b/c it's growing SO fast compared a normal pregnancy (and it is my first), and the stress and activity from the wedding stuffs the weeks/days before. Also, working f/t.

The doctors have put me on bedrest for now. I am to remain resting most of the day, but can get up on occasion if I feel up to it. Just have to listen to my body very closely. No more working for me. It hasn't been so bad, Steve is the most wonderful person ever and takes good care of me and makes sure I'm all set :) Friends and family have been a blessing as well! Thanks so much everyone who has helped! I feel so much better now and have not had one episode even close to the last, so all is good.

We are just so happy to be married and feel so lucky for what we have :) Our wedding was way more beautiful than we ever imagined - and not because of the decorations or food or the scenery. It was because of the wonderful people that we were surrounded by - the love and support was SO abundant! Thank you all, so much, for making our day so memorable!! We can't WAIT to share the wedding photos when they come back. Sean (the photographer) does that as a side business and works f/t normally, so it may take a bit longer than usual.

As we accumulate photos we will post them at:

Right now we are on a mission to get the apartment ready for the girls :) It is a long and tedious

Oh, and the ultrasound video never quite worked out. We'll keep trying...silly VCRs aren't cooperating! :P

The Happy Procreators

The Happy Procreators
This is Steve & Laura (a.k.a Mom & Dad to be). We're thrilled to be expecting and are so glad you're here to share this great experience with us!