Wednesday, September 10, 2008


A few days ago Arvelle said her first word, "BALL!"
A few minutes ago Sylvanna took her first steps and here's a video of it!!!
We're beaming ear to ear and SO PROUD!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

First Birthday and a New House!!!

Wow! It's been awhile since I've sent out an update and I have good reason! We've been very busy moving and celebrating!
The girls are 1 year old! We can hardly believe it!
The house is finally done and we are living in it! We can hardly believe that also!
The girls have been busy - they are on the verge of talking and walking both. Sylvanna, surprisingly has taken the physical lead and is standing on her own very often. She dances, bends over, etc. and I think she'll be walking in a month or two. Arvelle is chatting up a storm. She talks all day and sometimes even at night. She has words for some things - like "day-day" (cat). Before we know it she'll be debating politics. :P

We are in love with our new house! It's beautiful and everything we dreamed of. The girls love it - there's so much room to play and so much land to peacefully walk on. Thank you, so much, everyone who helped make our dream come true!

So, we will stop torturing you and making you all wait...

Arvelle & Sylvanna's First Birthday Party!

We had a media event at our house to celebrate the first family moving into White Hawk Ecovillage - visit this link to see those news links:

Okay, I think that's everything for now. I'll finish with pictures of the girls :D

Arvelle at the Sciencenter!

Sylvanna having silly summer fun!

BYE till next time, everyone!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

We have mobility!!!

Well, it's official, the girls are crawling!
Last week Arvelle crawled to the couch, pulled herself up to standing using the couch, and cruised along the side of it all together! Sylvanna wasn't far behind!
So much has happened in the last couple weeks - they are really blossoming :)
Sylvanna clapped first and Arvelle does this funny "wash my hands of this" or "all done" kind of clap, it's cute. Will have to get it on tape, for sure.
They are starting to wave "hello" and "goodbye".
It's really a joy to watch them grow so fast and learn something new almost every day! Here's a summary video of some key moments in the last few weeks or so. Enjoy!

The Happy Procreators

The Happy Procreators
This is Steve & Laura (a.k.a Mom & Dad to be). We're thrilled to be expecting and are so glad you're here to share this great experience with us!